From Newsletter: check the website for more information
(see also for treatment centers.
Thousands of men
receiving this newsletter are struggling with sexual sin, especially a habit of
viewing Internet pornography. Successfully overcoming a pornography habit
usually isn't an instantaneous zap from the Holy Spirit. For most, it is a
gradual process that requires a renewed prayer and sacramental life, a healing
process, and the humility to avail oneself of the human help that most men
require to assist them in a successful recovery.
Later this spring, Mark Laaser is offering fly-in 3-day intensives for men.
These intensives have proven phenomenally effective in helping to overcome
sexual addictions: If you
are struggling with a sexual addiction, why not make it your Lenten action step
to sign-up for one these intensive workshops?
The ideal combination to experience lasting change is a 3-day intensive with
Mark Laaser followed up with participation in a weekly tele-group led by Fr.
John Mulvey, or a local accountability group. The anonymous tele-groups are a
great first step for anyone who needs to get support. To contact Fr. Mulvey,
send an email to:, or
visit his website at
Every man receiving
this letter should keep the information on the intensives and tele-groups
readily available. Even if you don't have a struggle in this area, remember that
approximately 50% of the men in your parish do.
For this year's spring cleaning, don't just clean out the garage. With the aid
of God's abundant grace, help yourself and others take the necessary steps to
clean hearts as well.
When I worked as the I.T. Director of a school district, I was responsible for keeping inappropriate Internet sites from getting to students. I was shocked to find out what was available even in the early Internet days. Sometimes I found myself looking at the porno sites more than I needed to set up blocks for them. To avoid this I set up a filter on my home computer and gave my wife the password so I couldn't look any more than I needed. It wasn't as simple at work. I prayed and tried to limit my site control work to what was absolutely necessary. I also confessed going overboard as needed. It took longer than I hoped to put this issue behind. I agree with the author above that it takes "renewed prayer and sacramental life" to overcome any repetitious sin. Many addictions are waiting for us especially when we have a void in our life that should have been filled with God but is not. The more we make God a major part of our life, the fewer voids there will be waiting for something ungodly to fill them. The Saints were filled with the love of God. There was no room for addictions.