Ad te levavi animam meam
Deus meus in te confido
Non erubescam
I shall not perish
Neque irrideant me inimici mei
Nor shall I be mocked my by enemies
Etenim universi qui te exspectant, non confundentur
For everyone who hopes in You shall not be put to shame
Vias tuas, domine, demonstra mihi
Lord, show me your ways
Et semitas tuas edoce me
And teach me your paths
Gloria Patri et Filio et Spiritui Sancto
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit
Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper
As it was in the beginning , now, and forever
Et in secula seculorum. Amen
And for all generations. Amen
Five Activities
Jesse Tree: The Jesse Tree traces the roots of Jesus’ people from creation to his birth. This symbol comes to us from the Book of Isaiah (11:1). The tree we constructed uses 28 symbols taken from scripture for his purpose. Other symbols could also be used.
Advent Wreath: The Advent wreath symbolizes our time of waiting, our time of hoping. It helps us mark our days until Christmas. The Advent wreath ceremony provides you with an opportunity to pass on tradition, to share Scripture and prayer, and to help children understand that Christ is at the center of our days of waiting.
Creche: The word, crèche, comes from the Old French crèche meaning manger. Crib comes from the Old High German krippa meaning manger. Saint Francis of Assisi is credited with creating the first live nativity scene in Greccio, Italy, in 1223. Live animals and children were a part of the scene. Since then, the custom of displaying a crèche during the Advent and Christmas seasons has become a treasured tradition for families the world over. The Creche, without the infant Jesus, should be set up at the beginning of Advent. Jesus should be placed in the manger on Christmas. The Three Kings should be added at the Epiphany. The Christmas season does not end until the Epiphany.
Calendar: Advent calendars are a special way for parents and grandparents to
explain the Bible stories that lead to the birth of Jesus. Beginning on
December1, each child opens door number 1 revealing a beautiful color picture
and a meaningful quote from Scripture. On each succeeding day, until the last
door is opened on Christmas Eve, your child or grandchild will open one door.
What better way for children to learn the true meaning of Christmas.
12 Days of Christmas: This Activity will uncover the true meaning of this popular song and present activities that can be used in homes during the twelve days from Christmas to the Epiphany.
Saint: St. Bernadette
Prayer: O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.
Homework: Section 11: Jesus Christ, Our Redeemer, p. 69
What do the names Jesus and Christ mean?
Why did the Son of God take on a human nature?
What does it mean when we affirm that Jesus Christ is true God and true man?
What is the history of the passion and death of Jesus?
Was it necessary for Jesus to suffer and die in order to redeem us?
Why did Jesus submit to his suffering and death?
How was Jesus put to death?
What were the circumstances of Jesus’ burial?
· Stations of the Cross
Immaculate Conception (Section 18, #3, p. 121)
What do we mean by the Immaculate Conception?
Closing Prayer