Lesson Sixteen


Opening Prayer

Review Lesson Answers/Interviews

Sunday Mass: St. Joseph’s/Cathedral/St. Stephen’s


Questions and answers: Sections 15: The Church is One


                  1.                  What are the bonds of the Church’s unity?


2.         Can there be more than one true Church of Christ?


3.         How has the unity of the Church been weakened?


4.         What is the ecumenical movement?


5.         What is a rite?


6.         How did these various rites originate?


7.         What are some of the differences between the Eastern and Western rites?


8.         Do all these rites still exist within the Catholic Church?


9.         What other peoples have separated themselves from the unity of the Church?


10.       Why did Protestants leave the Roman Catholic Church?


11.       What effect did the Protestant Reformation have on the Church?


Section 16: The Church is Holy and Catholic


1.         How is the Church Holy?


2.         How does the Church help people achieve holiness?


3.         How is the Church Catholic?


4.         How can the Church be universal and local at the same time?


5.         What is a diocese or an eparchy?


6.         What is a parish?


7.         What is the role of a parish?


8.         What is the role of the pastor?


9.         What is the role of the people of the parish?


10.       Who is the center of the parish?


            11.        What is meant when it is said that “outside the Church there is no salvation”?


Section 22: The Church is Apostolic


1.                  Who were the apostles?


2.                  What do we mean when we say that the Church is apostolic?


3.                  What is meant by “each in his or her own way” share in this apostolic                 mission?


4.                  What is a bishop?


5.                  Why is the pope called the head of the bishops?


6.                  Where in Scripture do we read that Jesus made Peter the visible head of the                 Church?


7.                  Why is the pope the successor of St. Peter?


8.                  What special guarantee did Jesus give the apostles to help them teach in his                  name?


9.                  How is the Church infallible?


10.              How should we respond to that which is taught infallibly?


11.              Where do we read in Scripture that Christ gave the apostles the promise of                infallibility?


12.              What is meant by the infallibility of the pope?


13.       Must we accept the teachings of the pope even when he does not explicitly                     use his infallible authority?     


Introduction of a Saint’s life: Saint Augustine / Blessed Andre Besette


Tour of a Catholic Church


Homework: Sections 31-32: Foundation of the Moral Life          


  1. Where do Christians get the strength to live a moral life?


  1. What is the basis of human dignity?


  1. Why, then, do we sin?


  1. How can we determine the morality of our actions?


  1. When is an action morally good?


  1. How does a person come to know, in a personal way, moral truth?


  1. How does a person form a good conscience?


  1. What is sin?


  1. How can an internal act be sinful?


  1. What are the different kinds of sins?


  1. What is mortal sin?


  1. What are the effects of mortal sin?


  1. What is venial sin?


  1. Can a sin be fully deliberate and yet be only venial?


  1. How do we know whether an action is sinful?


  1. Can mortal sin be forgiven?


  1. What happens to one who dies in the state of mortal sin?


  1. What is hell?


  1. Does the all-merciful God send anyone to hell?


  1. What is purgatory?


  1. What is temptation?


  1. What are the sources of temptation?


  1. What are the capital sins?


Section 32: Foundations of the Moral Life (Continued)


  1. What is the social foundation of the moral life?


  1. What is the common good?


  1. What is the responsibility of individuals to promote the common good?


  1. What is social justice?


  1. What is the moral law?


  1. What is the “natural” moral law?


  1. What are the “Old Law” and the “New Law?”


  1. How do we come to know moral truth?


  1. Why does the Church create its own laws?


  1. What are the laws or precepts of the Church?                             


Closing Prayer:  From the Confessions of St. Augustine: Late have I loved you, O Beauty ever ancient, ever new, late have I loved you! You were within me, but I was outside, and it was there that I searched for you. In my unloveliness I plunged into the lovely things which you created. You were with me, but I was not with you. Created things kept me from you; yet if they had not been in you they would have not been at all. You called, you shouted, and you broke through my deafness. You flashed, you shone, and you dispelled my blindness. You breathed your fragrance on me; I drew in breath and now I pant for you. I have tasted you, now I hunger and thirst for more. You touched me, and I burned for your peace.